Funny Kitten Elio | Just Being a Cat


Video Details

Elio is a funny kitten and has a rather spoiled life. Today he is sad because his person went to school and he needs attention morning, noon, and night.

Most cats do need attention; you cannot simply feed them, change their water, and go on with your day. If you’re going to have an indoor cat, he or she is likely going to need substantially more attention than an outdoor cat might. When all is said and done, however, a cat’s need for attention will never be so demanding that it’s impossible to fulfill, even if you’re the only person that will be taking care of and/or interacting with your cat. Finally, in most situations where you ultimately feel you really cannot dedicate enough attention to a pet cat (say you work incredibly long hours), instead of advising you against getting a pet cat or advising you to re-home an attention-craving one you already have, I would instead advise you to adopt a second cat to keep the first cat company. A feline companion is ultimately the only thing a cat should really need to fulfill a craving for attention and socialization.

Date Added: 2019-10-04

Category: Kitties

Watched 462 times

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